
By following these instructions, you can leverage the powerful pattern recognition capabilities of our mobile application to enhance situational awareness and ensure timely responses to potential threats.

Start Detection: Place your mobile device on a stable surface with a clear view of the area you want to monitor. Press the “Start Detection” button to activate the camera and begin the detection process. The text box will become disabled, and the app will start capturing frames at regular intervals.

Pattern detection

Video Pattern Recognition
Detection in progress...
  • For better results, ensure monitoring in a well lit location
  • Do not shake the device, best results under reduced motion
  • Describe detection pattern as concisely as possible

Monitoring: The app will continuously analyze the video feed, looking for the specified patterns. You can see the detected frames and the current status of the detection process in the app’s interface. If needed, use the option to hide the video preview and rely on the blinking indicator for detection status.

Alerts and Notifications: Upon detecting a pattern that matches your description, the app will immediately stop the detection process and display the relevant frame on the screen. You will receive an alert on the device, and an email notification will be sent to the provided address with details of the detection.

Cancel detection: If you need to stop the detection manually, press the "X" button. This will re-enable the input fields, stop the camera, and terminate the detection process.